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Umed Rawat

Umed Rawat

Brief info

When I think of starting a painting or sculpture, I am inspired by some interesting found object rather than subject matter. I feel any object of some interesting shape, design or material becomes extremely effective in arousing my feeling and emotion. It than becomes the expression of my imagination flowing from my mind to the canvas or the objects thru my paint brush and sculpting tools. In fact, sometimes my artworks are derived from the vast image bank found on internet or referred to some historical and traditional art.

I don't set out to paint or make scupltures about any particular subject. My abstract artworks can be whatever the viewer percieves it to be and can be intrepretation of each individual looking at it. I am not an artist inspried exactly by nature or society but as I am growing as an artist and my work is being reviewed, I myself have started observing a particular style. I am happy to feel that I never intended to follow any pattern but gradually its developing.

B.F.A. from College of Art, New Delhi
Art Appreciation from N.G.M.A. New Delhi in 1997
Course in Painting & Photography  from J.N.N.Y.C., Noida (1993-94)

AIFACS Award (2010)
B.C. Sanyal Award College of Art, New Delhi (2003)
Merit Certificate from College of Art, New Delhi (2001-2003)
Merit scholarship from College of Art, New Delhi (Â 2000 and 2001)

Projects by Umed Rawat

Discription about the Art…..

Discription about the Art…..

Discription about the Art…..

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